Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020

Hello friends and family (and all random strangers reading this!) Happy New Year!! You may have noticed I took a 2-month long break from blog writing, and all for good reason! So much of my life has changed this last quarter of the year since we last spoke, from day to day activities to my love life to my career. I was giving so much to everything else happening in my world that I didn’t have the energy to sit down and blog about domestikated things.

When I started this blog just over one year ago, I was looking for an escape from my life and an outlet to express myself and creativity. My mom had passed away that summer, Nick was working long hours and I desperately missed writing. So Life Domestikated was born. It was so nice expressing myself through recipes I enjoy, sales and steals I found and how a young 20-something was figuring out this new domestikated life in the real world.

As you keep reading below you’ll learn all the things that have changed in my life the past three months and why I haven’t put much focus on this blog. With all that being said, I don’t want to give up on this space and outlet of creativity.

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September’s “Top 10” Amazon Purchases


T.G.F.A – Thank God for Amazon, am I right!?

Amazon is taking over the consumer world, and I don’t mind it. My Amazon Prime app has become my first stop and ultimately one-stop-shop for home items, food and pantry items, beauty care, tech and even fashion! With two-day free shipping, free returns to Kohls, and a new “try before you buy” program, Amazon is making it easier to shop online for items you may have been hesitant about purchasing in the past including oversized furniture or clothing. While I still appreciate a good brick and mortar store and really try to shop local whenever I can, I can proudly say that Amazon Prime is the my new Target.

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House Renovation Update – Month One


If you’ve been following along on my blog, you know that Nick and I purchased our first home just over one month ago! I pinch myself every day to ensure I’m not dreaming and that this milestone did in fact happen in our lives. As odd as it sounds, there’s something calming and comforting about being a homeowner, even amidst the stress of home projects and unforeseen problems. Goodbye are the days of writing rent checks and worrying about nailing holes in the walls or our pup damaging something in our temporary space. Now these walls and floors are truly ours to decorate and destroy as we please (just kidding on the destroy part! ha)

Since signing our lives away on August 29, we’ve been hard at work transforming this house into our perfect home thanks to a little bit of paint, a lot of sweat and tears and even more patience. Here’s a glimpse inside our lives these days and the home projects we decided to tackle before move-in day and the weeks immediately after!

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My Battle with Hormonal, Adult Acne

 How many people spent their teenage years with the occasional zit or two, praying for the day they could be an adult and have their hormones balance out? Yup, that was me. In my mind, adults didn’t have acne, and acne was a rite of passage that all teens needed to face.

I’d like to think that I was pretty fortunate during high school and college when it came to acne. A few spots here and there, usually triggered by *that time of month* and a mountain of blackheads on my nose that would be a dermatologist’s extraction dream, yet I never faced cystic full-face acne with damaging scars. Not until I hit my early 20s.

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20 Gingham Summer-to-Fall Transition Pieces


Give me gingham or give me death! In recent years, gingham has taken storm in the fashion industry attracting a variety of styles including rustic country, rock grunge and my personal favorite – classic, preppy. Once appropriate for only milkmaids and Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, I love that this iconic pattern lost its “folk country” stigma and re-emerged in present day fashion. 

Gingham, also called checkered, is one of those patterns I believe is appropriate and in style every season of the year. Originally influenced by tartan and plaid, brands have been printing this pattern in a variety of colors on dresses, tops, pants and accessories as well as home goods since the 17th century. While pastel pieces may go out of style after Easter and red and country blue may resemble that summer picnic tablecloth, there’s nothing more classic than the original black-and-white or navy-and-white checkered design. And thanks to Joanna Gaines and her modern farmhouse style, classic black and white gingham is becoming an even more popular design for not only clothing but also home decor and rustic winter holiday decorations. 

I’ve rounded up 20 of my favorite gingham pieces that you can easily transition from summer to fall (and maybe even winter for a few!)

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Grilled #Summer Skewers

Summertime and the grilling is easy!

Now that we’re officially in those hot, dog days of summer (no pun intend!), grilling has been our preferred method of cooking. The thought of turning on the oven and heating up our kitchen even more makes me cringe. From proteins to veggies and even fruit, I love that you can throw nearly anything on the grill and make easy weeknight and weekend meals.

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Summer Watermelon Salad

Who else agrees that summer season = watermelon season?! There’s nothing I crave more on a hot summer day than a bowl of cold, refreshing watermelon. What I love most about this fruit is the versatility of use in a variety of recipes. Add it to a cocktail, throw it on the grill, freeze it into a sweet popsicle or simply serve it as is. The mouthwatering possibilities are endless, which is a good thing considering the hefty size of a single watermelon can feed a family of four or more!

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Learning to Live in the Present

You may have noticed that I took a short break from the blog. Don’t worry, I’m not done with this fun side hobby. Far from done actually. Life just got in the way and swept me off my feet, probably without many people noticing. To get back on my feet, I’m sharing something extremely personal that has affected me for as long as I can remember, in hope that I help others as well as help myself learn a new mindset and gain confidence each day. Today I am talking about my anxiety. Specifically my anxiety and fear about living in the present.

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